Sunday, October 10, 2010

What Is Video Conferencing?

Video conferencing isn't necessarily a new technology, but it has come a long way since it was first introduced and for the most part makes good use of the new technologies that have been introduced in recent years. By allowing people to communicate either with video and audio or video and text, video conferencing serves a number of purposes in business, as well as for personal use and even use by groups as diverse as the court system and NASA.

In order to understand how video conferencing works, however, it's important to take a moment to learn how the technology first came about and how it has been adapted over time to meet the needs of businesses and consumers.

Origins of Video Conferencing

Early forms of video conferencing originated with the advent of television, using a pair of closed-circuit televisions which were connected by cable to allow the users at either end to communicate. Later advances on this theme were used by news reporters on location, who transmitted a signal back to the station from a truck filled with equipment, and also by NASA who used high-powered radio waves to transmit signals to and from space missions. Attempts were made by AT&T and other companies during the 60's and 70's to make video conferencing more accessible, but poor picture quality plagued these early systems and even when more powerful devices were made they still did not become popular.

Modern Video Conferencing

In the 80's, new technologies such as ISDN networks made it possible to guarantee a minimum transfer rate and compression rate for video and audio which in turn made video conferencing much more feasible. Dedicated networks for video conferencing began to develop, and ISDN was soon accessible from most parts of the world. Video conferencing was originally prohibitively expensive for most, but as new advances in technology continued to be created the prices of video conferencing equipment soon dropped and it became much more common.

The advent of the internet did much to bring video conferencing where it is today; once the technology was developed to transmit live video and audio over internet protocols, much of the equipment previously needed to create video conferencing connections was no longer required. Many free programs and services soon began to include webcam video conferencing in their chat features, allowing computer users to communicate as never before.

Uses of Video Conferencing

Video conferencing has a number of uses, both at home and in business. When using a webcam or other form of video conferencing from home, you can use it to stay in touch with friends and family across the city or around the world. It can add a bit more of a "human touch" to conversations or chat sessions, as you can actually see the person that you're talking to instead of them simply being words on a screen or a voice on the phone. In business, the applications are even more useful; business meetings can occur among several different offices or individuals in different parts of the world. Not only can this add a great deal of convenience, but it can also save money that would have to be spent on transportation and time that would have to be spent on organizing the meetings and getting all of the parties in the same place at the same time. Video conferencing can also be of great use to educators, science professionals, and a variety of other individuals who can see the advantage of being able to speak face-to-face with others without the need for actually meeting each other in a specific location.

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Financial Costs and Benefits of Video Conferencing

Video conferencing has been one of the most sought after technologies that are being used today not only in home setting but also in medium to large scale businesses. If you are one of those who are planning to take advantage of this relatively new means of communication, two of the major factors that you should consider are the financial costs and benefits of video conferencing.

More and more people are now into video conferencing because they are finally seeing its benefits and advantages. However, no matter hoe advantageous video conferencing is, there will still be major things to be considered to ensure that you will benefit more than you have spent for the technology.

Financial cost of video conferencing

Video conferencing refers to a means of communication that enables two or more people to a conversation in a real time. It involves the use of a high capacity personal computer, a web camera, a microphone, and high speed broadband connection to the Internet. Aside from these video conferencing equipment that have been mentioned, essential tools for making a video conference work are the equipment to be used, the video conferencing systems, and the video conferencing services offered by various people that are in the field of Information and Technology.

When it comes to financial cost of video conferencing, you will need to prepare or set budget for it. Before making any decision, make sure that you yourself understand everything about it. Don't be overwhelmed too much by its convenience because you might be paying more than what you need and expect.

The major factor for financial cost in video conferencing is how much would the equipment would cost. Since you will be getting transmission-both audio and video-in real-time, you need high capacity personal computer that would amount to $500 to $1000 depending on the brand its specifications. Since video conferencing involves face to face meetings, you will be needing a web camera to capture the image/s and send it back to the other party.

A typical web cam can cost from $100 and above depending on its size and capability. For voice communication, you will need microphones that can either be tabletop or wireless that would range from $150 to $300 depending on its capabilities and brand name. Other major expenses would include a video, a wall mount, and speakers which don't require too much sophistication and budget.

Aside from video conferencing equipment, another major cost for video conferencing is the need for high speed lines or ISDN to ensure that there will be efficient, fast, and hassle free communication. You can look for video conferencing providers online that can suit your video conferencing needs and offer packages and discounts for you to choose from. The price of video conferencing services could amount from $200 to $1000 depending on its timely rates.

Benefits of Video Conferencing

Although video conferencing would cost you a lot of money from the installation process to the equipment, services, and system requirements, these cannot amount to the benefits you can get for your business.

The major benefits of video conferencing include ensuring that there will be increased productivity because people don't have to spend so much time traveling for meetings and conferences. A lot of savings in terms of eliminating travel costs and allowances in lengthy trips during meetings.

It helps save a lot of time because people can transact businesses without having to spend so much time getting to the place of the meeting and ensured safety of the people involved because they will no longer have to risk their lives during travels just to close a deal or meet a client.

These are just some of the benefits of video conferencing. If you are a business owner, it is always best to conduct a study or a research first about the financial cost or benefits of video conferencing to ensure that you are making a good business move and decision.

Magdi Mikhail
Instant Video Recording/Conference Studio

Information About Video Conferencing - What You Need To Know

Video conferencing is the technique of meeting in a group over a network employing video and audio transmission technology and equipment. Armed with information about video conferencing businessmen, technologists, scientists and government heads started to explore ways to bring the world closer together and enable meetings of many people located in different parts of the globe. Video conferencing is the process of being able to see and interact with a group of people located at any point of the world at the same time.

Increased information about video conferencing has enabled even small businesses and organizations to communicate virtually face to face and not being in the same room at the same time. Businesses find this the most convenient way to interact with partners across the globe. Medical service providers such as surgeons have been known to use their information about video conferencing to provide invaluable advise to doctors treating patients half way across the globe. Doctors can view the patients and advise their colleagues about the treatment that must be administered to the patient. Surgeons have been known to conduct operations in distant countries through video conferencing; they observe the operation being conducted by a surgeon and advise him through the conferencing. This would not have been possible in the early 1990's as the video quality was very low and the connectivity of the video conferencing was not too good either.

Today the general man-in-the-street can use video conferencing software like any professional. Desktop video conferencing has brought the world closer and bridged the divide of the oceans for many a family. Information about video conferencing has given expansion opportunities for education and communication like no one ever expected. Someone somewhere has availed of the benefits that information about video conferencing has provided to the world. This is a technology that has achieved a lot in a few years and still has a very long way to go. Video conferencing enables scientists on the earth to communicate with astronauts in space, Generals to observe the activities on the frontlines, Doctors to monitor the progress of patients from distant lands, scientists to take part in crucial experiments from different countries at the same time and the old grand parents to have a look at the newborn grandchild just a few minutes after birth.

The information about video conferencing that you need is available all over the Internet. You need to know what video conferencing is, what you can use it for, what is the technology available to you and what is the equipment you need to set up video conferencing. In the past there was just the ISDN line linking the Internet across the world. Then there was the limited video compressing technology that could enable video transmission across the Internet. Businesses and organizations were unable to put video conferencing to its greatest use as they were bound to the limited technology at the time. The more their information about video conferencing technology advanced the better equipped they became to put it to wider use.

Shakir A. is writer an independent writer on Internet marketing, Online Video Advertising, Video Conferencing and it's happenings in Internet industry. More Details for Video Conferencing at

Friday, October 8, 2010

Benefits of High Definition Video Conferencing

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Unlike video conference systems of old, high definition video conferencing does not need a significant investment in equipment and space. Videoconferencing can be extremely easy to use. We are all used to entering phone numbers in to mobile phones or fax machines where there is an on screen display of the number being dialled. With video conferencing there is no wasted travel time and no hotel expenses to pay for as there would be for actual meetings. Video conferencing should pay for itself very quickly, and will be very cost effective if business owners take a long term view. With this thinking ComReg calculated a charge of $0.39 per month for shared access - 96% lower than the previous charge of $9.00. This would be the lowest price in Europe.

New technology enables meeting participants see and hear each other during the conference, and can concentrate on the images and interaction among the participants. Video conferencing technology typically includes access to a network (ISDN and IP are the most common), conferencing equipment (monitor, camera, microphone and speakers), an audio system, and a codec (an acronym for coder/decoder). Meeting guests are also able to enjoy desktop/file sharing without actually having to upload any files. Conferencing allows two people to communicate at a distance. They may be separated in time or in location, or both. Conferencing is also for emergency hearings, if there is no time to organise a face-to-face hearing.

Distance Education may be defined as a process whereby anyone, in any location, receives instruction from another source, using any medium. Traditional instruction methods were limited to correspondence courses, satellite services, telephone conferences and, in the past few years, e-mail. Distance Learning graduate programs are one popular example, these graduate students are dispersed across the world but require real-time visual and verbal communication from anywhere a high speed Internet connection is available. Polycom's PVX is different from other web conferencing applications as it is based on standard video conferencing protocols (ITU H.323) and can be combined in conferences with other system based classrooms and conference rooms.

Video conferencing is a powerful tool that enables face-to-face, real-time communications between associates around the world. A business executive in Boston can hold a virtual meeting with his factory managers in China. Video conferencing is an ideal technology to support communication both within and between such networks. The active nature of this visible medium when combined with its ability to link multiple user sites simultaneously is far superior to email or conventional telecommunication methods. Video conferencing is gaining momentum and broadband adoption and advances in technology make it much more attractive than the stamp-sized images, out-of-synch video audio, and poor image quality of first generation video. Business meetings, medical education (for doctors and nurses (or patients) in remote communities), and distributed education departments of colleges/universities are prime candidates for video conferencing.

This communication medium involving a computer, video camera, and network connection (an intranet or the internet for example). It allows a connection combining both voice and picture between two or more people. Video conferencing is also very useful in education. Video conferencing can make learning more fun, and video conferencing can work for different learning styles. Video conferencing is an ideal way to conduct most of these meetings. It is not only cost and time effective (saving as it does on the flight time and money but also the accommodation expenses) but also environmentally effective too. Video conferencing is very different from using the Internet. Using the Internet, we often do not come in direct contact with the people at the other end of the line; we do not see them on the screen in real time (although this is becoming more and more common), and the contact is relatively cheap. Video conferencing is a powerful tool and provides a virtual meeting environment that gives the benefit of real meeting. There are various kinds of conferences held using a video conferencing information system. Video conferencing is difficult to investigate as it does not only add visual contact with the speaker but also the sharing of visual information in the form of overheads, slides, 3-d objects or even microscopic objects. It is still not clear which is more important.

Using Video conferencing is an effective halfway house between phone conversations and face-to-face meetings. A number of management meetings are now held in this way. Video conferencing is used by many businesses usually to save both time and money. One of the great advantages of video conferencing is that two or more parties can have a virtual face to face meeting to conduct business, which is seen as more beneficial than just a conference call. Video conferencing is about feeling everyone's presence and collaborating in a more realistic way. I don't think HD video automatically draws everyone who uses video conferencing, or who's considered it, to all of a sudden feel a good deal more confident. The new technology in the high def video conference systems really allows you to see the other party clearly, smoothly and in real time. One man even said "it allows you to see the other person sweat."

Video conferencing is becoming important as a learning tool. Interactive video eliminates the physical boundaries of the classroom by connecting an instructor to students located in one or more remote locations. Video conferencing is provided over a robust network of dedicated T1 services across the state. Engineering Services maintains three video conferencing rooms that may be reserved. Video conferencing is providing organizations across the globe with a green solution that reduces the need for corporate travel. Many organizations of late have introduced company-wide travel bans to counter the soaring cost of air travel and hotel stays -- but organizations that have multiple office locations and remote workers still need employees to meet frequently.

High Definition Video Conferencing is a communication technology that provides the ability to conduct two-way, interactive, video and audio classes or meetings in many Wyoming communities. The Division of Outreach Credit Programs in the Outreach School uses this visual delivery method to provide many distance education classes to sites around the state. Video conferencing is also possible over the internet for small classes (less than 20). Video conferencing is undergoing one of its most dynamic and exciting phases of development yet. The field is moving from a state of cacophony and high cost to one in which merging technology (i.e., audio, video and data) seems clearer and surer as world standards are followed and hardware price reductions become a reality.

Unlike the older communications systems new HD video conferencing is easy to use once it is set up correctly. With the right equipment video and audio quality are surprisingly good. Video conferencing is becoming a larger part of business for peripheral makers such as Logitech, who are seeing an increase in the sales of computer-attached video cameras. Logitech, I suspect, is trying to distinguish itself by tightly marrying its hardware to software from SightSpeed. Video conferencing is seen by some as lying between audio and face to face meetings, with text-based conferencing as an example of the 'deprived' end of the 'educational communication technology' continuum. Yet it is important to question an assumption that 'more is better' in the context of channels for classroom interaction. Video conferencing is far superior for training because listening for many minutes without visual stimuli can be very boring. Not only does seeing the presenter hold the attention better, video conferencing, also makes it possible to augment the presentation with video clips, animations, and graphics on boards.

Business travel costs continue to rise. Time is more valuable than ever. High definition video conferencing is getting better and more affordable. Business adoption of IP communications will also be influenced by how companies integrate other communications functionalities, such as wireless connectivity via Wi-Fi and WiMAX, IM, and video applications.

High definition video conferencing has developed considerably in the last 5-9 years. Technology advances and price reductions now make high definition video conferencing an affordable, reliable and practical solution for business. Save time, money and the environment using an affordable HD video conferencing solution. for more information please visit Florida Video Conferencing at

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Video Conferencing - A Web of Options

In the not-so-distant past, video conferencing was reserved for organizations with money to spare. Today, business professionals from organizations large and small can easily connect with customers, vendors, employees, and colleagues using a variety of conferencing tools. While it's no longer necessary to invest tens of thousands of dollars in video and transmission equipment, it's important to know the pros and cons of the many options available so that you can select the right option at the right time.

Online Video Conferencing

Online services such as GoToMeeting and WebEx make it possible for participants to participate in online conferences - if each participant has an appropriately equipped computer. These services are paid services with recurring monthly charges. For about $50 each month, the host can host unlimited video conferences online. Participants will need a computer with Internet access and a sound card or a smart phone (if supported) in order to participate. Ideally, each participant will also have a webcam.

While inexpensive, these services have their limitations including the number of participants that can participate at any given time. Participants that do not have computers equipped with microphones will need to call in using a telephone in order to speak during the meeting.

If you need to hold regular video conferences with small groups, these services are well worth considering.

Skype Video Conferencing

Currently, Skype users with webcams can enjoy face-to-face video chats with another Skype user. A beta Skype tool allows up to four users to participate in a video conference. These are free video conferencing options that will do under some circumstances. If you need to communicate one-on-one and the other user also has Skype and a webcam, these chats can be an effective means of communication. For larger groups, this is not the best choice. Similar tools like Google Talk have similar limitations.

Studio Videoconferencing

While the do-it-yourself video conferencing tools have their place, sometimes it makes sense to either rent time at a video conferencing studio, also known as a telepresence room, or renting professional equipment. For example, if your entire management team needs to attend a video conference with regional sales teams spread around the globe, you could book time at video conferencing studios. Studios are equipped with everything that you need to conduct an effective video conference including the video conferencing equipment as well as conference tables, chairs, and other necessities. Studios also allow you to project a more professional image as the studios are decorated professionally.

Not only can your teams go to studios for the meeting, many conferencing studios will bring their equipment onsite. Either way, the setup and operation of the video conferencing equipment is in capable hands. You don't need to worry about the technical requirements of the meeting which means that you can focus on the meeting itself. Using a video conferencing service is a smart choice for any video conference that needs to go off without a hitch. It is also ideal for larger meetings.

While there are many options available, each option has its pros and cons. By understanding which video conference tool is best for which situation, you will be able to hold effective virtual meetings under a number of different circumstances. For informal face-to-face chats with your far-off employees, consider using Skype or Google Talk; for regular team meetings with 15 (or fewer) participants, one of the online video conferencing tools may be sufficient. For professional conferences where everything has to be perfect and where many participants will be involved, book time at a video conferencing studio.

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Video Conferencing - How Law Firms Can Benefit

Video conferencing has been used by law firms for many years, but only until recently has it become affordable for even the smallest of firms. Equipment that cost tens of thousands of dollars only a few years ago, can be purchased for a fraction of that cost today. The products have become more reliable, easier to use, more compact, even portable, and their capabilities and features have been enhanced drastically. Popular thinking seems to indicate that now is the time to get your firm started with video conferencing, but not surprisingly, many firms encounter unnecessary technical obstacles and set backs due to poor planning. The following are important points you should keep in mind before getting started with video conferencing:

How you will use the technology

For many law firms, video conferencing is first used as a way to reduce traveling for internal meetings between practices located in different cities. But there are other factors to consider. How far are the courthouses your firm serves? Do they allow video depositions or other video-based communication for legal procedures? If the addition of video conferencing will save many, or all, of your attorneys significant amounts of time in commuting and improve the productivity of their work day, then video conferencing will definitely help to grow your practice.

The resources you'll needed

IP (Internet Protocol) networks are superior to ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network). If you have 384 kilobytes of bandwidth available to and from each video conferencing device, you should be able to enjoy a good quality video call. Realize however, that if your network is shared with other resources, it may compromise the quality of your conferences. A dedicated network specifically for video conferencing, or a managed IP video network like IVCi's IntelliNet, would ensure the best user experience.

Once you define your network, you need someone to manage it. Although your firm's technical staff may be able to manage your conferencing network, there are more efficient ways to ensure steady and healthy performance of your video conferences. Some conferencing providers perform 'managed services' that take all of the work out of your hands. Do a search in Google for "managed conferencing services" and you'll find a list of companies that will allow you to reap all of the benefits of video conferencing while eliminating your need to purchase expensive network equipment and hire additional support staff.

The following are steps you can take to be ready for your video conferencing implementation:

Talk with your attorneys and identify those individuals who are ready to reap immediate benefits from the technology; those who would be ready and willing to start using video conferencing right away.

Once you define the extent of usage, you can calculate the amount of time that your attorneys will be freed up to work on other cases. In many instances, the time saved adds up to dozens of hours per month, per attorney. With more time available, they can work on additional cases, thus growing the practice.

Video conferencing is best executed in phases. Features that satisfy the most important needs of the practice should be implemented in the first phase. Define what you need, find out what it costs and budget for that phase. As need and demand grow, you can budget for future implementations as they arise. Always work with conferencing providers that create scalable solutions.

Do some simple math. Once you define how much usage your firm will have, you can compare that figure to your budget. It's as easy as that.

For many years, Harold German has been recognized as a knowledgeable source for information on corporate branding methodologies. A director at IVCi, LLC, whose divisions include IVCi Audio Visual and IVCi Home. Mr. German is a renowned author and contributor, with appearances in noted international publications such as The Economist, and on news stations such as CNN. Mr. German covers IP networks and the future of conferencing technologies.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

PC Video Conferencing - Using The Computer As A Conferencing Tool

One of the best and the latest technologies in the area of video conferencing is PC video conferencing. This is the most cost effective method of video conferencing as all one needs is a web cam and a microphone along with an internet connection. Unlike other systems where an entire unit has to be set up such as video output devices and cameras the PC video conferencing, also known as desktop video conferencing, brings video conferencing right into your homes. IT experts have been working round the clock to develop the best PC video conferencing software all over the globe. Everyone seems to claim that they have the most advanced PC video conferencing software ever developed. However, you can be the best judge of their claims.

PC video conferencing software was Lunched a few years ago and is better known as P2P video-conferencing technology that integrates text chat, screen and document sharing and full session recording while remaining extremely easy and simple to use even for the people who are first timers to PC video conferencing. This Windows based software can be adapted to other operating systems such as Linux and Macs. Though PC video conferencing software is developed for few large and very prestigious corporations it is available for the large consumer market as well.

It is falsely believed by the man in the street that if PC video conferencing software doesn't strike home fast and get a footing in the domestic market or gets new some funding from the government you won't be able to buy PC video conferencing software for your own private use. But here is where they are all wrong. PC video conferencing software is available free for download on many sites on the Internet. PC video conferencing software is becoming so common that even the students in school are using it every day from out of cyber cafés and even their own personal PC's at home.

PC video conferencing software is a browser-based video conferencing application that requires a simple installation via an Internet Explorer active-X plug-in or a FireFox extension. If you don't have the PC video conferencing software installed on your PC you can do so by going to the more popular sites such as Yahoo and Google or Skype and download their free versions of the PC video conferencing software. The downloading and installation is fully automated and you just have to sit back and watch the computer do it's work. Once you have installed the software and are connected to the Internet you can take part in any PC video conferencing program on the Internet, of course you have to have access to the conference with a username or password.

Once launched the PC video conferencing software is very compact and simple to use. The few and simple controls PC video conferencing requires you to know are all easily accessible from the screen of the video window and they allow the user to freeze the video, mute the microphone or to access a simple menu containing access to the other key features of PC video conferencing.

Shakir A. is writer an independent writer on Internet marketing, Online Video Advertising, Video Conferencing and it's happenings in Internet industry. More Details for Video Conferencing at